Swarm Summit 2024 - Speaker Application

You are invited to submit an application for a talk/workshop at the annual Swarm Summit.

On 20-21 June this year's event will bring together the Swarm Foundation team members and the Swarm Community in the lovely Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2 days packed with talks, product demos and new ideas. We invite you to join us IRL on the spot or you can follow the conference and give a talk online as well.

More info: https://blog.ethswarm.org/foundation/2024/swarm-summit-2024-upload-the-future/

Available Presentation Formats:

  • Talk: A 20-minute talk (20-minute talk followed by a 10-minute Q&A session), perfect for sharing focused insights and engaging with the audience on specific topics.
  • Lightning Talk: A quick 5-minute talk, ideal for sharing innovative ideas, demos or quick updates in a dynamic and fast-paced format.
  • Remote Talk: A 20-minute talk delivered remotely, allowing for global participation without the need to travel.
  • Workshop: A 45-minute session designed for a deeper dive into practical applications and hands-on learning experiences.
  • Short Workshop: A 30-minute condensed workshop, offering a brief yet comprehensive exploration of a topic.

Join the hive and submit your talk proposal

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-05-20 12:50 (Europe/Zagreb).